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Encrypted e-mail

Did you receive an e-mail with a PDF file and a password from us?

Encrypted e-mail

Did you receive an e-mail with a PDF file and a password from us?

Here you will find instructions how to open the encrypted PDF and any PDF documents.



On your Windows PC, you can open and decrypt the resulting PDF file with a common PDF reader such as "Adobe Reader". The encrypted PDF file can contain, in addition to the actual mail, additional attachments, such as contract documents or information material.

You can save the attachments on your PC and open them using the usual programs (for example MS Office, OpenOffice, Adobe Reader, etc.).
To view PDF documents, you can download the Adobe Reader here:

If there are unexpected problems opening the encrypted PDF file from your mail client, save the PDF file on your PC or mobile device and call the PDF file directly from the storage folder.

Mobile devices

Mobile devices

For mobile devices (smartphone, tablet), there are apps with which you can open and decrypt the PDF file. In order to open the attachments within the encrypted PDF file, there are additional apps. The table below provides an overview of some apps. The table does not claim to be complete and / or correct.

Compatible apps

Compatible apps

For Android

  • Foxit Mobile PDF (free)
  •  Gaaiho PDF (free)
  •  EzPDF Reader (chargeable)

To open Office documents (.ppt, .xls, and .doc) in the encrypted PDF, additional apps are required, such as: The free programs:

  • Docs To Go
  • OfficeSuite
  • Polaris

The Google PDF Reader (free) does not provide any way to open this PDF.

For iOS

  • Foxit Mobile PDF (free)
  • Documents (free) (only supported by iOS 9.X)
  • EzPDF Reader (chargeable)
  • GoodReader (chargeable)

For Windows 10

  • Nuance PDF Reader (free)
  •  Acrobat Reader (free)

On the Nuance PDF Reader, click on the left as far as possible.

For Windows Mobile

  • PDF Viewer Plus (free)

All information is provided without warranty. The use of programs and apps is at your own risk. The Kreissparkasse Stade does not accept any liability for the security of programs and apps.

If you would like to send an encrypted message to the Kreissparkasse Stade, you will find further information here.

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